Der Tantra goes Wild Kongress endet in:

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Sil­ja found her pas­sion and art form of liv­ing, in being a Daki­ni, Mid­wife and War­rior of Bliss.
She always knew about the beau­ty , the mag­ic, the unknown, the pow­er and the pres­ence of our core, our life source ener­gy, our ecsta­t­ic being.
As a mid­wife ( for 20 years by now) she was able to observe, study and explore our con­cep­tion, our arrival, our first lit­tle death, our first imprints,…our capac­i­ty to expand, our birth into being.
She devel­oped and teach­es sev­er­al tech­niques of inter­nal and exter­nal Dear­mour­ing, as Lim­bic Sys­tem resets for woman and man. Her main focus is the Cervix Dearmouring.
Some well known teach­ers are using her tech­niques by now.
She is also cer­ti­fied in home­opa­thy, tra­di­tion­al chi­nese med­i­cine, acupunc­ture, fer­til­i­ty and preg­nan­cy mas­sage, ayurve­da yoga mas­sage, fam­i­ly con­stel­la­tion work, breath work, Inte­gral Health and Tantra, as Aro­mather­a­py. She teach­es on the first Tantric Uni­ver­si­ty in Europe , where its pos­si­ble to receive an inter­na­tion­al accred­it­ed degree in: Inte­gral Transper­son­al Sex­ol­o­gy and Tantric Sci­ence. She orga­nizes Lec­tures, Work­shops and Events all over Europe, as many know her year­ly Unit­ed­b­liss Con­fer­ence of Sex­u­al­i­ty and Con­scious­ness in Berlin .

In becom­ing a Daki­ni ( a tem­ple dancer, a heal­er, a light work­er, god­dess of wis­dom, she makes love to your demons) Sil­ja found excess to com­bine and inte­grate Sex­u­al­i­ty and Spirituality.
She pro­vides a con­tain­er which guides and sup­ports peo­ple in com­ing back into a healthy, vibrant, ecsta­t­ic, pas­sion­ate, inti­mate rela­tion­ship with them­selves and all of life.
She wants to reset the lay­ers of the past lim­i­ta­tions , imprint­ed up on us by our beliefs, con­di­tions and thoughts.

In becom­ing a moth­er, expand to the Yoni­verse in uncon­di­tion­al Love, a trans­for­ma­tion and near death expe­ri­ence, made her total­ly com­mit her path on serv­ing her wis­dom, integri­ty, love and pres­ence to the only truth….
Be love
Live love
Serve Love


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